Thursday 9 December 2010

Class Meeting: 08.12.10

We experimented until we had utilised all of the new equipment we had brought in and still we need to do further reaserch and buy more equipment, including an LED laser torch, a structure to house the mirror and to find out the focal length of the mirror from the supplier.

Whilst experimenting down in our newly assigned room in the basement in the TC building Ray came across an old photography enlarger that we might be able to utilise in our installation in a way of a structure to house all of the components.

The images above are some of which we took on Wednesday during our experiments. The images show the light source reflection from the mirror onto a piece of white card. Although theses images don't show the results we saw with our eyes, we did actually see some sort of results. Whether they were Schilren effect or not we still have more experiments to action. We saw what looked like a dessert effect, heat patterns / waves come out from the lighter and also the soldering iron.

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