Sunday 5 December 2010

Assignment Two Thoughts: 05.12.10

Presentation: part one:

A 'hands on' demonstration of your virtual world

Presentation Part two:

justify the context and design


Justification - max 500 words

Supporting Studies:

Concept/Idea/Realisation/Design (visualisations/sketches/images)
- Concept
- 3D Visualisations of exhibition istallation

Contextualise with an audience in mind (Kinetika)
- Contextualise

Technical research/tests requirements (pictures/films etc!)
- Technical requirements for exhibit

Time scopes/costs/Health & Safety/project management


Research / References / Artist relations

Blog / Diary:
- Blog

Exhibition / Installation Documentation:
- Images from exhibition
- Feedback from exhibition
- Critical analyse of Exhibition and art work

All into a bound document

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