Sunday 6 February 2011

Final Day at Exhibition: 06.02.11

Page taken from this years Kinetica Art Fair Catalogue.

This is the floor plan for the Kinetica Art Fair we are situated in unit 20 along with 3 other artists.

Opus Etherea - documentary from Immo Blaese on Vimeo.

A short feature on the Opus Etherea light mobile installation at the Kinetica Art Fair 2011. Created by Hadjer Ben, Immo Blaese, Sally Butterfield, Namak Khoshnaw, Georgina Trias and Marcin Wysocki. In memory of our tutor Olivier Ruellet. Video shot and edited by Namak Khoshnaw. Commissioned by the Faculty of Arts, TVU.

Namak put together this video of the group setting up the exhibition speeded up, including interviews from several of the visitors of Kinetica Art Fair.

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