Tuesday 1 February 2011

Exhibition Installation:

An annotated version of our exhibition layout please click the image to enlarge

The image above shows the final layout for our installation at the Kinetica Art Fair.

This diagram shows the mobile design we choose for our installation for the exhibition which relies on mains power, we used a 3v Super bright LED, Nylon line, Power cables, Silk organza for the sail, 11 small weights, cotton thread to attach the sail to the nylon, a bike spoke for the axes of the mobile and a small cylinder tube to incase the LED.

The images below show the start of the mobile being constructed we ended up using a spoke from an old bike wheel which gave us a very stream line piece of strong metal that we could then suspend from nylon directly below our silk and above our mirror.

We tested out the new idea of using a battery for our LED but unfortunately the results were not what we where hoping for, the image was not bright enough which meant us going back to our original idea of using a mains power via a volt changer.

We did not bring with us the equipment we needed to complete or installation in day one so we needed to return tomorrow and finish off the mobile and run a cable in for the LED and set up our fans which would blow the sail attached to the mobile giving the evolving shaped from the reflection we were looking for.

We altered the height of the mirror carefully balanced on tubs and boxes from around us to find the perfect position to give us maximum effect. We used our iphone 4s to reflect into the mirror to check the results each time we adjusted the height.

We had to work out the focal height and throw the other side to give us the kind of shape from the reflection we were looking for and the best quality and size.

Once the position was agreed we began hanging the mirror using nylon line attached to screw in white hocks in various positions.

The images below show the new and improved silk organza hanging arrangement, i feel the new position plays with the constrains of the three walls surrounding us and looks more like a sail than a projection screen, much happier. We go onto experiment with the positioning of the mirror height to give us the largest and the highest quality reflection possible.

The pictures below show the first stage of the installation for our exhibition at the Kinetica Art Fair.

We started to hang the silk organza after sewing the lops on all four of the corners with heavy duty nylon line attached to screw in hocks on the walls of our space.

We hung the silk as we had planned in our final meeting pria to this day, but something didn't feel right it looked to geometric and to ordinary, Thanks to Ray we started to think outside of the box and started to re think the angle at which we would hand the organza.

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