Wednesday 26 January 2011

UKRC Meeting: 26.01.11


- Exhibition walls white, do we want to paint them? black, grey or keep them white?

Consensus to keep them white

- Transport of equipment?

To use Marcin's van on the Tuesday morning

- Dates and happenings during the exhibition

Tuesday 02/02 7am - 11pm (Set up)

Wednesday 03/02 7am - 2pm (Set up) 5pm - 8pm (Collectors View)

Thursday 04/02 8am - 1pm (Press) 6pm - 9pm (VIP)

Friday 05/02 10am - 9pm (open to the public)

Saturday 06/02 10am - 8pm (open to the public)

Sunday 07/02 11am - 6pm (open to the public) 6pm - 8pm (take down)

- Rota to be arranged for looking after the installation

We have all given our availability to Sally who will devise a timetable/ rota

Ray to email Immo with the site information

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