Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Meeting: 19.01.11


We experimented further with the type of LED, Immo had brought in two types and i brought in one.

In the last meeting we had decided that we really liked the purity of the N21BY LED as it gave the best results and clarity.

In this session the new N175BY LED gave us the best results yet.


We decided the fabric we would use for the exhibition would be the silk organza as it gives a strong clear projection, but also allows the fabric to be some what invisible.

Silk Organza:

Image clear and strong on surface of material, still has a translucent feel as the fabric is very thin and allows the image to be shown on the reverse of the fabric and on the surface behind.


This clearest and strongest of images on the surface of the fabric, projection shows on the reverse of the fabric but not on the surface behind.

Immo brought in a BlinkM Programmable RGB LED unit which was very intriguing this unit using a Blink M Sequencer allows you to programme the actions of an LED. This particular one is RGB that allows you to change the colour of the LED and timing of a colour. I think this is really interesting and gave beautiful results projecting on our canvas but we didn't need to incorporate colour into our installation as simplicity and purity gave the most amount of effect in our artwork.

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