Thursday, 16 December 2010

Kenetica Blurb & Publicity Pics: 16.12.10

Immos Version:

Name: "Air-Phemeral" (a word play on "Air" and "Ephemeral")


"We are constantly surrounded by slight, fleeting movements in the space we inhabit which consists of the air we breathe in and out, essential to our survival yet we do not experience it consciously except when in a different state to the one we are accustomed to. We can sense its temperature and humidity, we can hear its vibrations through sound but we cannot really grasp it with our bare eyes. By creating a new spacial dimension through light, distortion and reflections of air particles the spectator is invited to discover and explore an unseen, mysterious, ephemeral world which is around us at all times yet we think of as a never changing constant in our lives. Could we consciously transcend into this other dimension to gain some deeper understanding of where we are and how our slightest movements impacts on a fragile world which consists of an amazingly thin blue layer of gas on a small planet no larger than a minuscule dot in an endless universe?"

Sally's Version:

Installation, mixed media and projection
Artists: Hadjer Ben, Immo Blaese, Sally Butterfield, Namak Khsh, Georgina Trias, Marcin Wysocki, (MA Students at TVU)

An abstract interpretation of flow visualisation, which seeks to illuminate hidden natural phenomena that exist all around us.
The 'unseen' mathematical wonders and physics of nature; patterns created in swirling smoke, or the way air and water create unseen furls and vortex's on a predetermined atmospheric journey, as it 'migrates' or 'infuses' with another substance, as it progresses on it's infinite journey. Within the quiet movement of a breath, a gentle motion or gesture, which is taken for granted by all of us, exists this hidden complexity in a universally shared perception of simplicity or 'nothingness' observed in air, water and atmosphere – and yet, this is how 'all' life is supported and sustained. Our existence throughout time is based on the ability of the constant interchange of substance and matter, such as the intricate and complex process of the oxygenation of our blood, which is then distributed throughout our bodies, via our heart to our vital organs, which occurs without us even being conscious of it.

These apparently simple, yet incomprehensibly complex natural occurrences are potentially breathtakingly beautiful. The work intends to capture and convey the immense hidden true significance and importance that belies the enigma of the forces of life itself.

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